The OTHER March Madness

If you don’t know what is taking place right now in the world, you have to be living under a rock. The world has been shaken to it’s core in many ways, and the sports’ world is right there with it. For the first time ever, almost all of sports have been shut down all across the globe! The coronavirus is spreading like wildfire and until it is all figured out, it's best that big gatherings and sporting events cease until further notice!

It’s pretty hard to fathom, but this is true. As I type this I am currently figuring out how and when I will return home from Germany, where my season was cut short due to the pandemic that is sweeping across the nation. There are so many things that are on a day to day basis at the moment that I am continuously being updated on when I will be able to head home. 

I know some people who are panicking because they don’t fully understand what is happening, and I guess that is to be expected. And then I know some people who aren’t taking this serious enough at all. Not really sure what to say or do about them. However, I’m doing my best to remain calm and just to pay attention to everything. Paying attention to the news, the people around me, things that are happening in the countries that surround me, airport travel reports, and so much more. Things are being updated constantly and all I can do, is try my best to stay safe and healthy as I continue to gather information and make informed decisions about heading home.

I’m also thinking about everyone who is just dealing with this feeling of “missing out” when it comes to basketball right now. I completely get it. I’m missing the rest of my season too. The opportunity to keep fighting and to make a playoff run for a championship. Missing the opportunity to be the last one standing and possibly helping the team gain a back-to-back championship! 

As a basketball player, that was in the middle of my season, I have several thoughts going on. Even though I understand why we are shutting things down, and I would rather be safe than sorry, I still can’t help myself but to FEEL so many different ways about it all. 

To the college basketball seniors…

My heart hurts for you! For your season to end abruptly without the chance to put your final stamp on things the way you wanted, there are no words. You’ve worked so hard for this moment and this opportunity. Blood, sweat, and tears… for years on end! To get to this point and in the blink of an eye it’s taken from you and it’s completely out of your control. I just can’t imagine being on that stage, in this moment, and having all of this go down. I don’t think anyone can. A moment you can’t get back, it’ll never be the same. I know that right now people are advocating for all of you to have your moment, or for some other opportunity in the future, through the NCAA. And although only time can tell what will happen, I pray you get another opportunity. Whatever that might look like! 

For those that have hopes to continue playing, may or may not be entering the draft, I wish you all the best of luck. 

To all of the college basketball teams….

Being unsure of what the next few weeks or months will look like, I hope you use this a fuel. Use this as a way to attack next season even harder! No one could have seen this coming, so if you weren’t playing every game, every play, every practice, like it was your last before, I’m sure your perspective moving forward may have changed. There were so many great teams who were making history and making serious runs at the end of the season. Teams that had punched their big ticket for the first time… I hope you get the opportunity to do it again! The season was not a waste, it was just left unfinished. 

To all of my fellow overseas hoopers…

A crazy ending to a wild ride. I know some people have already made it home already. Please continue to be safe! For those of us still overseas getting things squared away, pay attention to everything around you as things are spreading more rapidly abroad. 

For the players that were on top teams and fighting for championships, ugh.. I’m not a fan of ending and being close to a medal, and then walking away. Outside of the satisfaction of earning that hardware, some people are missing out on some bonuses!!!!! I’m not going to go too deep into that piece, but make sure you get everything squared away and have certain types of business conversations before you hop on that plane! 

For the players that were on bottom teams and were fighting to just stay in the league, maybe this is a new lease on life for that club. So I guess that’s something positive.

This turn of events might actually make some people open their eyes in some other ways. In regards to the women’s side of college basketball, a lot of scouts, agents, and overseas personnel don’t even begin to pay attention to players until March Madness and the tournament takes place. That is the place A LOT of players make their mark right before becoming a professional, I happen to be one of those people myself! But maybe this will make people begin to pay better and MORE attention to players ALL SEASON LONG! They will have to look at a full body of work from players, from their freshman year to their season year, or at least a few of their greatest games over time. Not just pay attention to the bigger named programs, I really hope that this changes the game a bit and how they go about scouting players for the next level.

On another note, for my fellow professionals… 

I hope that this moment in time shows you (if you didn’t already know) how unpredictable this life and this profession can be. Work on the other things in life that you want to accomplish. Find other ways to capitalize on your mind and your talents. 

I am currently working on a book and a few other things but use your time wisely and start your businesses, start those other forms of income so that in a time like this you will be perfectly fine!!

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